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Tired of sporting a double chin? We have a solution for you! At Allure Aesthetics, we administer treatments using Kybella®, a shot that works to dissolve fat cells in specific areas of the face! This product contains deoxycholic acid, a substance which occurs naturally in the body and helps absorb fat.

Submental fullness is the accumulation of excess subcutaneous fatty tissue around the chin, neck, and jowls. Otherwise known as a double chin, submental fullness can be the result of natural genetics, the normal aging process, or weight gain; yet whatever the cause, if you have a double chin, you understand just how frustrating excess fat underneath the chin, a poorly-defined jaw line, and a heavier, rounded look can be, and just how much it can detract from your otherwise balanced and harmonious facial contours. Especially when coupled with sagging skin and lax muscle tone in the chin and neck, common problems as we grow older, submental fullness leads to an older, heavier appearance that can undermine your look of natural youthfulness, as well as your self-confidence and emotional well-being. Luckily, modern facial contouring techniques can reduce excess fatty deposits at the root of your double chin, and offer you a shapely and chiseled chin and jawline that will improve your appearance and enhance your natural beauty.



Kybella® is a brand name cosmetic medication which has been approved by the FDA for the treatment of fat stored beneath the chin. It is composed of deoxycholic acid, a substance which occurs naturally in the body and helps absorb fat.



Kybella® results will appear gradually over the course of about a month. Multiple treatments may be done for stronger effects. The results typically last for many years!




  • Neck/Chin

  • Underarms



Heather Schwartzmann PA-C’s expertise in applying injectables makes her among the top Kybella® specialists in South Florida. She will work with you to establish a plan, ensuring that each step taken has an exact purpose to enhance the natural beauty in your face. In the world of facial injections, Heather Schwartzmann PA-C and Allure Aesthetics of Boca Raton set the standard.




  • Tightens and frames jawline

  • Reduces fat under chin

  • Tightens skin around face for cleaner frame

  • Reduces fat in underarms




  • Convenient procedure

  • Can be done on a lunchbreak

  • Fast results

  • No surgery necessary

  • No downtime

  • Completely destroys fat cells

  • Often results in tighter skin

  • Results appear gradually over the course of a month for a natural progression




Prior to your procedure you will be asked to avoid certain medications and herbal supplements for two weeks. These substances can increase bleeding which in turn will cause bruising.

Before Juvéderm injections, patients are asked to avoid taking the following substances for at least two weeks:

  • Any NSAIDs such as Ibuprofen, Aleve®, Motrin®, Advil®, Aspirin®

  • Coumadin

  • Garlic

  • Ginseng

  • Ginkgo Biloba

  • Glucosamine

  • Fish Oil

  • Vitamin E

Arrive for your treatment well fed to avoid having to eat or chew for a few hours. This will help the gel to settle exactly where Heather Schwartzmann PA-C has placed it. Avoid applying makeup for a few hours to let the skin breathe.




All treatments begin with a consultation to discuss your desired results, expectations, and aesthetic goals.  During the initial consultation, Heather Schwartzmann PA-C in Boca will take a medical history to ensure there will be no adverse reactions to the product.

Kybella® procedures are performed by injecting several small amounts of product in the desired area.

First, we map out where to inject the product. We put dots to indicate the locations of the injection sites. Then, we put a small amount of Kybella in that area. The exact amount of Kybella® will depend on the client’s unique needs and desired result. Once the product is injected, it goes to work over the course of a few weeks.

The entire appointment should take approximately one hour, including the time of the consultation.

Afterwards we will give you a handout of things to do or avoid after your treatments.




Don’t exercise directly following treatment as this will raise blood pressure and interfere with the product settling properly. Other things that can cause bruising and swelling are using a hot tub, sauna or steam room or any heart rate raising activity.

  • Use cold compresses to reduce swelling.

  • Avoid exposure to intense heat (sun lamp or sunbathing) or cold.

  • Reduce the risk of facial cold sore recurrence that could be caused by needle punctures. Talk with your healthcare professional about medications that may minimize the likelihood of an outbreak.

  • Avoid taking aspirin, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications (such as ibuprofen), St. John’s wort or high doses of vitamin E supplements for one week after treatment. These agents may increase bruising and bleeding at the injection site.

  • Remember to ask about follow-up appointments.


At Allure Aesthetics of Boca Raton, with offices located in Mizner Park, FL and Miami, FL, Heather Schwartzmann PA-C is extremely pleased to offer the latest advancements in minimally-invasive and non-surgical facial contouring techniques, including Kybella by Kythera, the revolutionary and FDA approved new injectable treatment endorsed by Khloe Kardashian specifically designed to reduce submental fullness.


We are proud to offer only the most advanced, next-generation cosmetic enhancement treatments, backed by solid scientific evidence and with a proven track record of producing amazingly successful results. Whether you select a dermal filler, facial peel, or the latest in fat-busting injectables, you can rest assured that the experienced and caring practitioners at Allure Aesthetics will restore your harmonious, well-defined, and pleasing facial contours while maximizing your comfort and safety!

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